Saturday 4 June 2016

USS Gibraltar 2016 - Episode 1: The Beginning

The year: 2397
The place: Meraki Station

Starfleet Command could sometimes be a strange and puzzling organisation, Kieran Braveheart reflected. Take today, for instance. One moment he was sitting at his desk, doing research for Admiral Janeway – same thing he'd done for the last two years, since the USS Malta was destroyed and his resulting demotion to Commander – and the next moment, an uptight young Lieutenant handed a PADD with new orders from the Admiralty. New orders... for him? That just didn't seem right. For the last two years, Command had been pretending like he hadn't existed. They'd ignored his pleas for a chance to get out there again, and downright rejected a transfer request. Now that working on Admiral Janeway's team was unfulfilling, mind you, but... well, he used to be a starship captain. Riding a desk now seemed... wrong, somehow.

The orders themselves were strange too: report to Meraki station and wait for further orders. What kind of orders would those be? Why couldn't Starfleet Command be more clear in their orders?

Still, when you received orders, you followed them. So, now Braveheart found himself lightyears away from his desk, out in space again for the first time since his demotion, docking a shuttlecraft at the Meraki starbase that was located well inside Federation territory. The only question on his mind: why did Starfleet send him here?

That question was soon forgotten though – or at least changed a bit – when he entered the meeting area, and saw who else was there. Before him were 5 other people... and only one of those he didn't know. The unknown person was Dr. Brent Grady, but the four others... "Sophie, Duke, Renari, Deia, what the hell are you doing here?"

Sophie – not surprisingly the only person not sitting down – looked at him with a gaze that Braveheart remembered from his Malta days. "We could ask you the same thing."

"I received orders to come here," Braveheart replied.

"Same here," Duke shrugged. "You don't happen to know why they sent us here, do you?"

"Not a clue," Braveheart sighed, taking a seat himself. While he didn't like the mystery of it all, he did thoroughly enjoy seeing his old Bridge crew again.

Reunited... but why?
"Perhaps Starfleet wants us to go through the Malta destruction *again*," Renari said as she whipped her tail in frustration. "I swear, it's been two years, and still Starfleet can't let it rest!"

"You're preaching to the choir, Ren," Braveheart said as he pointed to his three rank pips. "You're no longer talking to Captain Braveheart..."

Any response the others made was drowned out by a strong wind suddenly blowing in the room, followed by a bright flash. Immediately the wind died down, and much to everyone's surprise, where the flash had been, now stood a man. A man in a strange looking uniform, wearing protective eye gear. A sturdy, well built man with a confident attitude. A man with a weapon in his hands.

Who's that man, appearing out of nowhere?
The man looked at everyone. He didn't seem at all surprised to see the six crewmembers sitting here. In fact, at the sight of everyone, he smirked. "Sorry about this," he stated, as he raised his weapon.

And then he fired.

But nothing happened. Or at least... there was a blue glow, but other than it being bright, Braveheart, nor the other crewmembers, were worse for wear. The strange man didn't seem to mind though, as he started running... just in time to dodge a phaserblast coming from where a moment ago there'd been nothing. The man aimed his weapon at a wall, fired it, and jumped through the portal he had just created. He was gone.

"Damnit, Seelowe!"

Everyone now turned to see where these words had come from. With a similar portal closing just behind him, former Gibraltar Captain RoBobby McMillan stood there, tugging his phaser back into his holster. Sure, he was wearing a different uniform than the last time anyone saw him, but it was definitely him.

"Captain?" Braveheart was the first to speak. "Captain McMillan? Is that really you?"

It was as if McMillan only now realised who his audience was. "Kieran! My god man, it's you! And Sophie! Duke! Ren! Deia!" His surprised smile told Braveheart that McMillan had no idea they'd be here. "What are you doing here?"

"We could ask you the same thing," Sophie Johnson muttered.

"First things first, is everyone alright?" That was Dr. Grady talking. He'd already whipped out his medical tricorder, and started scanning the room.

Braveheart ignored him. "Captain, you've been missing for two years! You and the Gibraltar were proclaimed missing in action, after you disappeared at the Jo'gon nebula!"

The missing captain returns...
McMillan frowned. "A lot has happened, and I'll tell you all about that later. Right now, I need your help. That man who escaped, Aimhigh Seelowe... he's a dangerous renegade, and I need to find him. With your help, and this starbase's sensors, we might be able to track him."

It seemed McMillan was adamant in his desire to find this Seelowe character. Moments later, the crew all entered the station's Operations facility, where they started several scans. Well, most of them, anyway: Renari and Duke were feeling... dizzy. Luckily Dr. Grady was here to help.

Dr. Grady checking in on Renari.
As the rest of them scanned away, McMillan explained what had happened in the last two years. The incident at the Jo'gon nebula was no accident: the Starfleet Temporal Department from the 29th century had brought him and the Gibraltar to the future, making it look as if he'd disappeared into thin air. They did this because they had a mission for him: find and neutralise a traitor: Aimhigh Seelowe. Apparently, Seelowe had deserted, and was now working for an opposite faction. He needed to be stopped, or all of time could be seriously damaged. It wasn't after a few months, when McMillan realised he couldn't get back, that he accepted the assignment. He's been hunting Seelowe ever since.

The crew is scanning for temporal signatures.
Just as McMillan finished the story, Duke let out a grunt of pain. His headache was getting worse. Alarmed, McMillan asked what was going on... and then Braveheart told all about Seelowe firing his weapon, but not actually injuring anyone.

A shocked McMillan quickly pulled out his tricorder and scanned everyone in the room. "Damnit, I should have seen this coming," he muttered under his breath. It turned out that Seelowe had fired his temporal displacement device at everyone, causing the molecules in their bodies to initiate a temporal shift. It turned out to be a slow process, and one that might last a long time... but in the end, it would mean that the person shot by such a device, would find his or her atoms scattered through time...

Since there was no cure here, in the late 24th century, McMillan decided he'd take his former crew to the future... the 29th century had to have a cure for this. Quickly, the starship captain tapped his commbadge, causing the USS Gibraltar to appear outside. The Gibraltar had been refitted with a temporal device, making timetravel possible in order to aid McMillan with his hunt for Seelowe. Now, they'd use the ship to get back to the future, in order to save his crew.

After they beamed on board and set up a low level polaron field to minimise the effects of the molecular shift, they engaged the engines... and headed off, into the future.

Onwards, to the future!

To be continued...

Friday 29 April 2016

Prologue - Gibraltar's lost logs

Captain RoBobby McMillan's Personal Log.
Stardate 72323.6
Two days after the destruction of the USS Malta.

I don't believe it. I still don't believe it. The USS Malta, gone. Destroyed. Thankfully, its crew is safe.

Kieran just contacted me with the news. He was upset, and understandably so. To lose one's ship... it's one of the worst nightmares any starship captain can have, and Kieran's in the middle of it now. There will be a board of inquiry, of course... standard protocol when a ship has been destroyed. I've sent a message to Starfleet Command already, volunteering to be on that board. Hopefully they'll let me. Kieran has not only been my XO in the past... he's also a close friend. I cannot in good conscience let him stand trial, without doing my utmost best to convince the board that there were extenuating circumstances. Whatever those were.

Several starships are being sent out to help with the salvation of the Malta wreckage. Unfortunately, the Gibraltar won't be part of that taskforce, as much as I would want us to be. According to Starfleet Command, the Gibraltar is needed elsewhere, studying the Jo'gon nebula's gas emissions. Seriously... they could at least have come up with a more plausible excuse to not send out the Gibraltar. I can read between the lines: they know about my friendship with Kieran, and they're afraid I might tamper with the evidence to make sure Kieran and his crew are found to be innocent at the upcoming trial.

And I'm ashamed to admit, they might have a point. I know Kieran, I know his crew. Many of them used to be my crew. I would go through hell to help them.

Sadly, there's not much I can do for them now. Still, I'll definitely be at Kieran's hearing. Even if I can't be on the board of inquiry, I'll definitely be there to support him and his crew. For now though... I guess it's time to get underway and study that nebula...

Captain RoBobby McMillan's Personal Log.
Stardate 72353.9
Twelve days after the destruction of the USS Malta

Well, Starfleet Command just got back to me. I've been denied a seat on the board of inquiry. No surprise there. At least this time they were honest about the reason: they felt that I couldn't be impartial. Ah well, it was worth a try.

They did however, invite me to be there. After all, Kieran might want to call me up to the stand as a character witness. Kieran already contacted me about that, as well. I made him a promise: I'll be there. And I intend to keep that promise. Kieran's my friend. I won't let him down.

It shouldn't be hard to be on time, either: the Gibraltar's mission in this area of space is almost complete. We've studied this nebula as much as we can. Nothing interesting, except for a slightly larger amount of chroniton particles than was expected in a nebula this size. We'll stay around for a couple more days, just to be thorough... but I think even the Science department is running out of stuff to do. The rest of the crew is just bored. Except Commander Sardek, of course. But then again, I don't think I've ever seen him display any kind of emotions.

Well, I'd better check in on the Bridge again. There might still be some particles we haven't analysed.

Heh. I miss the days when science assignments like these would still excite me...

USS Gibraltar, Senior Officers Meeting transcript
Stardate 72361.2
Fifteen days after the destruction of the USS Malta

Alright. I've called you all here because... well, you know the reason. Two hours ago, a strange pulse started emanating from the nebula, and it's engulfing the Gibraltar. Hull integrity is dropping rapidly. Any effort so far to stop it, has been unsuccessful. I want options, people.

Science officer:
Well, we've tried everything, Sir. Sending a deflector pulse back at the reversed frequency of the pulse didn't work. Alternating those frequencies, didn't work either. Changing our shield frequency and sending out particles to counteract the pulse, all resulted in the same: no change. And we still cannot find out where this pulse is coming from, or why it's targeting the Gibraltar.

Engineering officer:
Hull integrity is approaching critical, Captain, even with the Structural Integrity Field as high as it is. We've transferred all the power we can spare to the SIF and the shields, and then some... but it doesn't seem to be making any difference. We're looking at a complete hull disintegration in fifteen minutes, perhaps less.

Tactical officer:
Even firing our phasers and torpedoes at the direction of this pulse, didn't have any effect.

It'd be a simple case of just moving out of the way, but the pulse immediately disabled our engines when it hit us. We've been trying to get them back online, but we just didn't have any luck with that either.

Come on people, think. There's got to be something we haven't tried...

Yes... evacuate the ship.


Nothing we have done so far, has had any effect. For the last two hours, our hull strength has been dropping steadily. We have done everything by the book, and more. Whatever this pulse is, it is clear that we cannot stop it from our end. With every other option unavailable to us, the only logical course of action is to evacuate the ship.

You've got to be joking!

Vulcans do not make jokes, Lieutenant.

But how would you know that the shuttles and escape pods won't be caught in that pulse too?

Science officer:
Actually... when we sent out a shuttle to try to tractor the Gibraltar to freedom, the pulse stayed focussed on the ship. It completely ignored the shuttlecraft.

Precisely. Based upon the pulse's previous behaviour in the last two hours, there is no reason to believe that it will change its target.

As much as it pains me to admit it... you're right.


I'm sorry Lieutenant, but Commander Sardek is right. In less than ten minutes, the hull will rupture. I will not have my crew die just because I was too stubborn to admit defeat to this... whatever this pulse is. We'll evacuate the ship. I'll inform the crew. Thank you all... and dismissed.

USS Gibraltar, Captain's Log
Stardate 72361.3
Fifteen days after the destruction of the USS Malta

Captain's Log, supplemental.
Captain RoBobby McMillan reporting for the final time.

This will be my final log on board the Gibraltar. I'm transmitting this log to the evacuation shuttle's memory core directly as I'm making it, to keep track of the Gibraltar's final moments. 

We have been unable to stop the pulse's deterioration of the hull. In just a few minutes, the hull will buckle, and the Gibraltar will be no more. Evacuation is completed: my departmentheads have informed me that the final shuttle has just left the ship. I will be departing the ship soon, via the last escape pod left here at the Bridge. From there, the small fleet of escape pods and shuttles will leave the nebula, and head to Federation space.

I guess it's time for me to go too. For the record, I'd like to state that my crew has served above and beyond the call of duty.

Goodbye Gibraltar. You will be missed.

Computer... end log.

Shuttle Erikson, XO's log
Stardate 72361.3
Fifteen days after the destruction of the USS Malta.

This is Commander Sardek reporting on the events that have transpired in the last few minutes. We had all left the Gibraltar, except for the Captain, who felt very strongly about saying goodbye to the ship. He signalled us that he was just  taking the escape pod left for him, when the pulse's intensity and colour changed. A white flash occurred, and there was no trace of the Gibraltar, Captain McMillan, or the pulse that had been enveloping the ship for two hours.

I have assumed command of the evacuation fleet. I did manage to get some sensor data with the shuttle's limited sensors, but with that task completed, the most logical course of action is to leave the nebula now. Captain McMillan's orders were clear: we need to get the crew to safety. I am certain though, that Starfleet will come back here, to determine what exactly happened.

Commander Sardek, XO USS Gibraltar, out.

Admiral Mendez, official statement.
August 2396
13 months after the destruction of the USS Malta.

Over a year has passed, since the accident in which the USS Gibraltar and Captain RoBobby McMillan went missing. In that time, Starfleet has sent several science expeditions to the Jo'gon nebula, to find out what happened. All investigations came back negative, though.

A year is a long time. And while we aren't giving up on McMillan, we cannot afford to send in new science expeditions. It is time we faced the facts: Captain McMillan is not coming back.

It is my solumn duty to hereby declare Captain RoBobby McMillan, Missing In Action. Our thoughts and prayers go to his friends and next of kin.

Admiral Mendez, out.

The USS Gibraltar *will* be back...