Saturday 29 November 2008

Episode 15: "A huntin' we will go"

The transport was complete. "Set a course for Starfleet Command, maximum warp." Captain McMillan said, eager to get this over with. Why the Gibraltar had been assigned to this rather mundane -or dare he say, boring- task, the Captain didn't know. They had to be looking for Slade, not transporting some xenobiological experiment to Command. But yet, they were busy doing the latter, not the former.

One would wonder if Starfleet is mad at us for not getting Slade yet. 

McMillan shook his head. He couldn't afford to think like this. He knew full well that the life of a starship crew couldn't be action all the time. Still, if Starfleet wanted results, they should keep the Gibraltar out there, where Slade was last sighted, not doing some convoy duty.

Still, this mission was deemed 'top secret', which bothered McMillan. And not just him. The nature of this mission worried the entire crew. Speculations about this 'experiment' could not be avoided, even with an experienced crew such as this one. Lt. Weintraub for instance thought this experiment was a *genetic* experiment: something which was outlawed by the Federation alltogether.

Finally, Captain McMillan spoke up. "Folks, let's concentrate on the task at hand, and trust that Starfleet knows what it's doing. Perhaps they just found a new kind of creature they have to have transported to Earth. Who knows."

It wasn't long after that, that it was time to beam the experiment down to the surface. The crew went to watch the transport, but something went wrong... the hidious creature let out a loud cry at the moment the forcefields dropped, and it beamed down itself!

Damn. McMillan thought. There is an unknown alien creature loose at Starfleet Command...

There was only one option: The Gibraltar crew quickly armed themselves, warned all Starfleet personnel on the ground to stand clear, and then they beamed down themselves, searching for this creature. It was quite a hunt: this creature seemed more intelligent than first thought. 

The folks at the Xenobiology department have quite something to explain.  McMillan figured, as he recieved reports that the creature had taken another transporter to the old medical building. 

"All units, converge at my position." the Captain ordered. Moments later, the moment was there. It was time to enter the medical building. The doors opened. . . and the creature lay there, under the couch, unconscious. Apparently it had been hit by a phaser blast anyway: it just took longer to take effect. Could this have been what Xenobiology had wanted to research?

"Looks like we got it." Commander Arado stated.  "Now let's deliver this to the Science boys, and be done with it, shall we?"

McMillan couldn't agree more.

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