Wednesday 29 February 2012

Episode 54: "There's nothing down there"

It was good to have a lead. To have something to hold on to, a little hint of hope that they'd find something to prove their innocence. Captain RoBobby McMillan knew from experience that he had to take into account that Kelly had bombed the crap out of just about everything down on the planet surface, but he couldn't help but hope that something of the cloning facility that Kelly had found, still remained. If so, they'd have enough proof to return to Starfleet, showing the top brass that they were *not* responsible for the destruction of the Klingon outpost. Then their days as fugitives would finally be over.

McMillan had to admit, the life as a fugitive wasn't really for him. Always on the run, looking over his shoulder, while still carrying the responsibility for his crew. He wouldn't show that he was uncomfortable with their current predicament of course, but still. . . in the privacy of his quarters, he often wondered what he had brought down on the crew of the Gibraltar. They all deserved so much better. Perhaps he should have allowed himself to be captured – and probably executed – by the Klingons?

Still, what's done was done. He couldn't change the past. Instead, he had to look forward. Right now, there was a chance to find something on this planet which would help the Gibraltar crew. If there was something, they'd find it.

Unfortunately though, upon beaming down, it seemed as if there *was* something here. . . just not something that'd help them in any way. Mere minutes after having rematerialised on the planet's surface, various crewmembers started coughing. There was some sort of gas in the air that hadn't been detected from orbit... and not only did it cause health problems for most of the crew, it also seemed to interfere with the transporters!


The only two who weren't affected with Ensign Johnson – because of her Trill physiology, apparently – and Lt.Cmdr. Weatherwax, because he was a hologram. As the Gibraltar crew beamed back on at the time, McMillan ordered the duo to search the area for anything useful.

Back on board the Gibraltar, the away team reported in at Sickbay for a full checkup. Ms. Lavecchia had apparently taken in quite a lungful of the toxic gasses, and she was in bad shape. McMillan wondered silently what would happen to her, and if she'd survive or not, when Ensign Johnson and Lt.Cmdr. Weatherwax transported back to the ship. It would seem as if Kelly had done quite a thorough job: there was nothing down there. Nothing but ruins. 

Not only was there nothing to prove the Gibraltar's innocence, one of their crewmembers was in bad shape. Luckily, Ensign Johnson managed to synthesise an antidote against the toxin, which luckily helped Ms. Lavecchia to her feet again. The danger was averted, which was good of course. . . but McMillan was painfully aware that they were back to square one: not only didn't they have any proof that they didn't destroy the outpost, but they also had no idea where to look next...

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