Sunday 31 July 2011

Episode 22

USS Gibraltar Episode 22
4th of February 2009

Cast and crew:
Captain: RoBobby McMillan
Helm: Rain Torvalar
Tactical: Sereana Westland

Special Guest Stars:
Serp Auer as Colonel Auer
Demeter Slade as... Demeter Slade

Episode 22: "No Rest For The Weary"

Ah, another quiet day at the Gibraltar. Captain McMillan, Lieutenant Westland and Ensign Torvalar were busy with their daily routine on the Bridge, when suddenly, a call came in from a Cardassian named 'Mandor'. As thanks for dealing with the Borg, he invited the three crewmembers to have some shore leave on his fully automated Cardassian station. Unfortunately he couldn't be there himself, but, so he assured, they would have time of their live.

Intrigued by the automated station, the crew beamed over from the Gibraltar, and encountered the station deserted. After a little walk though, they heard a familiar voice calling out. As they looked into the Brig, they saw Colonel Auer, a rather controversial member of Starfleet Intelligence and an old acqaintance of the Gibraltar Crew, stuck there. They quickly released him, but found that besides Auer, another familiar face was here on the Station.


Demeter Slade was the reason why Captain McMillan and the Gibraltar had actually gone out on their mission in the first place. And now she was here again. Apparently the Gibraltar crew found on of Slade's safe havens. . . and she wasn't all that happy. She gave the crew one minute to escape, before she blew the station to bits. The crew escaped ,but not by their own doing: they were transported by an unknown ship -Slade?- back to the Gibraltar.

This was another reminder that Slade was still out there... and watching them.

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